Support Us

Your donations strengthen the local economy by supporting small businesses. This allows businesses to benefit from our services, equipping them with the knowledge and expertise they need to overcome obstacles, streamline operations, and achieve growth.

Become a Mentor

Becoming a mentor is a great way to get involved with the IEC without making a monetary donation. Our entrepreneurs greatly benefit from the guidance and expertise of experienced mentors like you.   Just fill out our application and we will be in touch with you.

Donor Circles

sponsor an Entrepreneur

The sponsor will receive recognition on our website, invites to quarterly executive network luncheons, 

and a casual lunch appointment with the selected entrepreneur.

*Entrepreneur Launch Program

Tailor-made for investors who are seeking to expand their investment portfolio and propel a business.

Investors will meet with us to discuss entrepreneurial and small business investing interests.

Investors will have access to entrepreneurs and small businesses that meet the requirements of investing profiles.

Investors will determine any long-term investment with the entrepreneur outside of the Entrepreneur Launch program.

We will do the due diligence in working with the entrepreneur to ensure they are a good investment and eliminate your risk.